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Erik's Masonic Journey

Thu, 06 Apr 2000

Wow, I apologize for the lack of updates (in case anybody is actually reading this page, I mean). By this point, I've talked to all three of the Master Masons who were supposed to be "investigating" me. Now I just have to wait for the Lodge's next stated meeting, I think, where they'll be voting on me. Probably via blackball, but I'm not entirely sure how things are done in Oregon.

I'm very excited. All of the Master Masons I've met thus far have been very nice, respectable, intelligent men. However, all of them have also been older. I'm wondering how this will affect my petition. I have been getting the distinct impression that I'll be the youngest fellow in the Lodge if I'm accepted.

So, if you're out there reading this and are in Ashland and interested in Freemasonry, you really need to ask them to petition. Call the Lodge, and they'll get back to you! Hey, it worked for me.

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