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Erik's Masonic Journey

Tue, 16 May 2000

While exploring the Grand Lodge of Oregon's homepage, I came across a link to Belt Lodge #18 in Kerby, OR. I have to say, despite having lived in the state for all of my 24 years, I've never heard of Kerby. Anyhow, according to the Lodge's page, they once had a very unique Master Mason degree. Valkyrie and I have made plans to stop by Kerby on our way to the coast on Memorial Day weekend.

More crawling across the web also brought about some other interesting links. First, see an essay about Freemasonry and Pagan religions. Also, the Golden Dawn FAQ is very interesting, though not very Masonic. Along a more Masonic line is E-M@son, which seems to be a web-hosting service for Freemasonic sites. Here is an excellent article by John J. Robinson titled What is a Mason? -- definitely worth a read! Finally, IBC's Masonic Resource Page has an excellent collection of good links to explore.

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