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Erik's Masonic Journey

Wed, 07 Jun 2000

It's been a good while since I've posted anything at all on this page, and I'm sure many of my regular readers are getting rather bored reading the same old entries over and over again. Well, I'm back! The most exciting news of the day is that a good friend of mine asked for a petition. I was hoping he'd ask, so I had been carrying a petition in my vest pocket for several weeks. Unfortunately, he waited so long that the blank petition I gave him was wrinkled and dirty. Today at my Lodge's weekly coffee meeting I picked up a clean petition for him, so hopefully when the Lodge stops being dark in the Fall he'll be ready!

Monday night is our Lodge dinner, which is open to the public if anybody is interested in attending. And on August 10th the Grand Master of Oregon will be visiting the Medford Lodge. That too will be open to the public, and I'm really looking forward to meeting him. Anybody interested is of course more than welcome to attend. Please e-mail me for more details.

I have a few good links to share today. First is the Canonbury Masonic Research Center, which has some good information online. Next is a collection of Masonic poetry, and finally a page by Bro. Mark Stilwell called Beyond the Illusions - Freemasonry. Please check them all out, and enjoy!

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