This has been a very busy week for me at work. In addition to moving my office, I've been needing to rearrange our server room and get all ready for the "big move". Our evenings have been very busy as well! Valkyrie's birthday is next week and we've been planning a party for her. Tonight a good friend of mine is coming into town, and I am going to the Lodge to take my Entered Apprentice proficiency test as well! Last night we saw the York Rite Commandery officer installation and watched a slide show presented by the minister they sent to the Holy Land.
Understandably, with all of this going on I've had very little time to collect any links to share. However, I did find one which appears to be the home page for the Grand Lodge of Russia. Or at least a lodge in Russia. Well, I'm not sure if I'll have any time for an update tomorrow, but hopefully by Monday there will be more here!