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Erik's Masonic Journey

Wed, 14 Jun 2000

We're only halfway through the week, but I feel as if there's been about five months piled into the first two days! However exhausted I might be, I still managed to scrape up some great links and some more news about my Masonic journey that I'd like to share. On Monday Valkyrie and I attended the monthly Lodge dinner. It was great fun. We were accidentally an hour late, but we still got there in time for some food and a couple good games of Bingo. There was a really good turnout, and I had a chance to talk to the Worshipful Master about building a website. It sounds as if everybody is really fond of that idea. In case anybody feels like asking, there's no word yet on when my Fellowcraft degree will be conferred. Given my hectic schedule at the moment, I wouldn't mind if they waited a few more weeks.

After poking around for more information about Freemasonry in Egypt I came across an article at Egy.com which seems to suggest that Freemasonry in Egypt is rather dead at the moment. Please read the article here and let me know what you think.

The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania has a great site full of information. I haven't even started exploring it yet, but it looks like their page about George Washington's apron is really interesting. I also found Bro. R. M. Firestone's Quick Index to Masonic Information. I think I may have mentioned it before, but it's definitely worth looking at. For those who need a good pick-me-up in the middle of this extremely long week, there's also a web page full of Masonic jokes. And that's it for today! Please be aware that updates might be very slow for the rest of this week, and perhaps next week too. Someday soon I hope to get back on track with this stuff!

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