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Erik's Masonic Journey

Mon, 26 Jun 2000

It is the beginning of another week, and hopefully this shall be one including more webpage updates. To begin with, I came across Masonic Moroni, a page indexing a number of articles regarding Freemasonry and Mormonism. I'm sure many of these articles contain good information, but I haven't looked through many of them yet. Even more worthy of mention is a collection of articles by Bro. Dr. Roger M. Firestone. Those who frequent alt.freemasonry probably recognize his name. He is a very prolific and intelligent speaker on the subject of Freemasonry and I always enjoy reading his work.

On Bro. Ed King's website I also found an article called After Petitioning. It is very informative and a good read, and is similar to a small booklet I received from my lodge. I also stumbled across a Masonic TrueType font while browsing through GoMasonry. And lastly, I wish to point everybody towards the webpage of the Lodge of St. George #1152 in Singapore. It sounds like they had some hairy times in the war, but pulled through alright.

Hopefully this week I will hear word about my Fellowcraft degree. Things have been very slow at the lodge coffees, probably because these summer months are the Dark ones. I will have more news about this later in the week.

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