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Erik's Masonic Journey

Thu, 03 Aug 2000

This weekend, my beautiful bride and I were finally married! It was a very joyous occasion, but I must say that all of the hard work leading up to the event has left me very exhausted. I am just now getting caught up with all of the links and e-mail that I have received and collected for this page, so please be patient if I haven't responded to you yet!

To welcome myself back (Welcome back, Erik!), I'd first like to share the webpages for a couple of Missouri lodges. McDonald Lodge #324 in Independence has a very nice looking web page and has nothing to do with hamburgers. They have two stated meetings a month, so it looks like they must be a very busy and active lodge. Mount Hope Lodge #476 in Odessa has a page that looks very similar to McDonald Lodge's. They, too, have two stated meetings a month! I have to say, I'm a bit jealous. Does every lodge in Missouri have two stated meetings a month?

As many American Masons know, Freemasonry has been present throughout the history of our nation. Bro. Paul Bessel has collected information about the signers of the Declaration of Independence on this page and listed known Masonic affiliations for all of them. Also, I was directed to an excellent page about Freemasonry in the Civil War, which is filled with interesting stories.

Today, being Thursday, is my Lodge's weekly coffee morning. I am looking forward to going and visiting all of my Masonic brethren. I'm a married Mason now!

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