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Erik's Masonic Journey

Wed, 04 Oct 2000

I want to start the day by thanking Bro. Franz Bruhns of Freimaurer-Loge Am Rauhen Stein Matr.-Nr. 888. He is the first visitor to submit a link, The Three Roses Award. Bro. Bruhns says, "This award will only be given to web sites with masonic content. For the story behind please look at our rubric 'Masonic Art'. The evaluation bases on the masonic 'Light, Love and Life' of the specified resources the web site." Please check it out. The sites that have received this award in the past look very interesting.

I have tracked down the websites of a few more lodges in Oregon. Multnomah Masonic Lodge No. 1 was Oregon's first lodge. I can't find anything on the page describing the lodge history, so I'm not sure when it was chartered. However, I do know that the Grand Lodge of Oregon was chartered in 1851. Next we have Pacific Lodge No. 50 in Salem. Their website has plenty of information and is worth checking out. Finally, Unity Lodge No. 189 in Portland. Portland seems to definitely have its fair share of lodges. Hopefully someday I'll be able to visit many of them.

My last link for the day is to the Grand Lodge of Scotland's list of Famous Masons. If you search down the list far enough, you will come to the listing for M.W. Arthur D. Hay, who was an Oregon Supreme Court Justice and also the Grand Master of Oregon in 1941.

I have been attempting to track down the webpage for the Research Lodge of Oregon. I've found many outdated links, but if anybody knows where the page can currently be found, please let me know.

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