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Erik's Masonic Journey

Mon, 23 Oct 2000

Last Thursday I took my Fellowcraft proficiency, and I passed! I don't feel like I did quite as well as I did with my Entered Apprentice proficiency, though. I have enjoyed going to lodge meetings every time I've had the chance, and I am thinking about asking the Worshipful Master if he will "knock down" our next stated meeting to the Fellowcraft degree so I can see the entire thing. I have learned that my Master Mason degree will be given on November 25th by a degree team consisting of brothers from Medford Lodge No. 103 and my own, Ashland Lodge No. 23. Any brothers who will be in Southern Oregon at that time are welcome to attend. Please ask me for directions.

I have just a couple of links to share today. I am a big fan of New England, and have traveled there a couple times with my wife. So far, my favorite New England state has been Vermont, so I thought I would share a link to the Grand Lodge of Vermont. However, New Hampshire is really tough to beat with their patriotic state motto, "Live Free or Die!" I haven't been able to find a link to the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire yet, though.

This weekend I had a great time discussing Freemasonry with the Corresponding Secretary of the Southern California Research Lodge, Bro. Ralph Herbold. He is a very friendly guy and is absolutely full of information. He's also a great salesman, and I walked away from his garage bookstore with a big armload of great books, including Coil's Masonic Encyclopedia.

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