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Erik's Masonic Journey

Tue, 14 Nov 2000

Last night I helped cook for our monthly lodge dinner. It was a lot of fun! The head cook was our Chaplain, who happens to be a retired Methodist minister (as is his wife!) and the current High Priest of the local Royal Arch Chapter. I was in charge of the scrambled eggs, and there were pancakes and ham and lots of syrup to go around. After dinner we usually play bingo, and I managed to actually win a game last night, so next month I get a free dinner!

Yesterday I came across the home page of Bro. George Marshall, Jr. and discovered that he has collected a wealth of information about the York Rite, including an excellent page on Royal Arch Masonry. There is such a rich history behind the Royal Arch degree that I look forward to pursuing at least the first part of the York Rite eventually. I do plan to be an active Blue Lodge participant for at least a year before expanding into any of the hauts grades, though. My interest is currently piqued because of the antique apron I discovered on my honeymoon two weeks ago.

Some postings on soc.org.freemasonry also directed me to Den Danske Frimurerorden, which is the largest Grand Lodge in Denmark, and also to one of its competitors, Storlogen Af Danmark, which is apparently unrecognized by the UGLE. I also found the home page of Windsor Masonic Lodge No. 138 in Manitoba, Canada. This is a beautiful home page and everybody should check it out.

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