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Erik's Masonic Journey

Wed, 29 Nov 2000

Today I have more good news! I'm not totally sure yet, but it sounds like the lodge is going to get me started on learning one of the parts for the Entered Apprentice degree. I believe it will be a non-speaking part. One of the Deacons, perhaps? This is something I will enjoy a great deal, and I will know more about it on Friday.

The first link I'd like to share today is Blackmer Lodge No. 442 in San Diego, California. The page is very nicely put together and has some great information on it. Secondly, the Grand Lodge of Michigan has such an excellent website that it almost compels me to share it with everybody. I also found for the first time The American Mason, an on-line Masonic magazine. I believe they also have a print version. They have some good articles and it's definitely worth checking out.

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