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Erik's Masonic Journey

Fri, 08 Dec 2000

Well, it turns out that I won't be Junior Steward after all. However, I will be giving the Entered Apprentice charge, which means that I'll be memorizing something. That is perfectly fine by me, as I've got a good memory and would love to put it to work. At the same time, I'm working on my Master Mason catechism and getting ready to tutor a newly initiated Entered Apprentice on his catechism, so my memory will be getting quite the workout for the next few weeks. Our secretary wants me to give my Master Mason proficiency at our stated meeting next Thursday, so I have to wrap my brain around all that confusing stuff in the last half of the catechism (all of you Masons know what I'm talking about!).

I'm excited and flattered that I've been asked to do the Entered Apprentice work. The charge and the tutoring will be a lot of fun and I'm very glad to have this opportunity to give something back to the lodge.

Going through my list of links that I've yet to share, I have another link about female Masonry. The Women's Grand Lodge of Belgium is one of the few female Grand Lodges to have any presence on the west coast as far as I know. They have a lodge down in Los Angeles, I believe. The second and last link I will share today is for the Grand Lodge of New York F&AM, First Nassau District. They have a very nice layout, beautiful graphics, and some neat pictures. Please check it out!

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