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Erik's Masonic Journey

Fri, 12 Jan 2001

Hello, everybody! Posting to this journal will probably continue to be rather slow for a while, but I wanted to check in and let everybody know that things are going great. My new job is excellent and I'm having a wonderful time here.

Last Saturday we initiated two new Entered Apprentices. It seems strange that it's been eight months since my own initiation, and it was very fulfilling to finally take part in this important ceremony. I gave the Entered Apprentice Charge, albeit rather badly. It was my first time speaking in front of a crowd, and even though they were all brethren, it was still a bit nerve-wracking. However, we're initiating one more new brother on the 18th. Hopefully I'll do better this time!

Last night was my second stated meeting, and the first stated meeting of our new Worshipful Master. Because of a change in the code by the Grand Lodge last year, we were able to open and conduct business on the Entered Apprentice degree. I think our new W:.M:. was happy about this, as we'd been practicing the Entered Apprentice ritual for quite a while leading up to the initiations last Saturday. It was a lot of fun.

Soon our new degree team will begin working on the Fellowcraft degree! I believe I'll get to do the Charge for that degree as well.

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