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Erik's Masonic Journey

Wed, 14 Feb 2001

Hello everybody! Since I last posted to this journal, a lot of things have happened. I gave the Entered Apprentice Charge during the initiation of a good friend of mine, and I got it right this time! It was a very excellent experience. This Thursday I will be giving it again to the son of our Senior Warden.

Now, I'm going to talk about television! Tonight on The History Channel there's going to be an episode of History's Mysteries dealing with Freemasonry. You can read about it here. On Sunday they had an episode dealing with some other so-called secret societies, including the Skull & Bones. It was very sensationalized, however, and it seemed like the majority of the show was the infamous paranoid conspiracy theorist David Icke. I am hoping that tonight's show will be better.

Finally, I just finished reading this article reprinted from Time Magazine dealing with the declining state of Freemasonry and some of the things that are being done to save it. I believe the article is from 1998, and it is a very good read. I encourage visitors to check it out!

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