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Erik's Masonic Journey

Fri, 09 Mar 2001

Our stated meeting last night was a blast! It was also a very complicated meeting. As it was our Grand Lodge visitation night, we opened in the Master Mason degree. However, our Junior Warden, Senior Deacon, and both Stewards were out for the night. I filled in for Senior Deacon, and officers from last year filled in for the other positions. After opening on the Master Mason degree, we received Right Worshipful Brother Carl Carlson, District Deputy of the Grand Master of District 28 of the Grand Lodge AF&AM of Oregon. Once this was finished, I gave my Master Mason proficiency. I am now a full Master Mason, with all of the lights, rights, and benefits which that entails!

After our small amount of Master Mason-only business was finished, RW Carlson called the lodge from labor to refreshment, where we opened on the Entered Apprentice degree, completed our normal lodge business, and then closed on both of those degrees. It was a lot of work, and a lot of fun for my first night as a Senior Deacon! The lodge attendance last night was the largest I've seen so far, and I got to meet Masons from several visiting lodges.

But the best thing is, I have a brand new dues card. Now I can go anywhere!

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