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Erik's Masonic Journey

Fri, 13 Apr 2001

It's time once again for an update! Tomorrow evening we will be conferring two Entered Apprentice degrees, and then next Thursday we will be passing two of our brothers on to the Fellowcraft degree. On the Friday following that, I will be traveling out to Shady Cove Lodge No. 208 to aid in a Fellowcraft degree that they are conferring. All in all, a very busy time for me.

During the Entered Apprentice degrees, I will be giving both the apron lecture and the charge. Learning the apron lecture has proven to be quite educational. In my opinion it is the most beautiful part of the EA ritual, and every time I hear it I learn something new. Having the opportunity to give it to our new brethren is something I have wanted since I first received it myself!

In addition to all of this, I petitioned for membership in Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 Royal Arch Masons. I will be receiving the fourth degree (or perhaps the fourth and fifth degrees) on Thursday, April 26th. I would be very pleased if any York Rite readers would come by and see the degrees conferred!

Finally, I would like to share just one marvelous link. The Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum is a treasure trove of articles, pictures, and information on Masonic artifacts and antiques. I have been spending many hours on that site reading and learning. Hopefully it will be just as enjoyable for everybody.

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Geo. Washington Past Master Award

Copyright © 2000-2005 by Erik Arneson <dybbuk+journey@lnouv.com>