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Erik's Masonic Journey

Mon, 21 May 2001

Tonight is our first Masonic Study Group meeting, and I must say that I am quite nervous! Bro. Carter is organizing it with me, but somehow I volunteered myself to speak at the meeting and give some sort of introduction. Yoikes! Luckily, my lovely wife Valkyrie was on a forensics team when she was in high school, and was able to give me a few pointers. I think I'm ready! This is definitely more nerve-wracking than reciting ritual from memory.

In order to calm my fears, I went out lookin' on the web, and found links to a few other Masonic study groups: The Winding Staircase Discussion Group in Charlottesville, VA; the Masonic Fellowship Discussion Group in Chicago; and the Manitoba Masonic Study Group in Manitoba.

In other news, Bro. Carter and I got drafted! We are now the lodge librarians. I suppose that's what we get for hanging out in the library too much. During our first attempt at librarianizing, we were going through the piles of new books that were recently donated to the lodge, and in one box I found an entire pile of Ars Quatuor Coronatorum research compendiums! Most of them are from the 70s, and there looks to be many many interesting articles in those volumes. I can't wait to check them out!

Hopefully those of you out there who are reading this will wish us luck tonight. We're hoping for a good turnout, and some of us (especially me) are hoping that Bro. Arneson won't get terrible stage fright trying to organize this study group!

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