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Grosse Landesloge der Freimaurer von Deutschland

Erik's Masonic Journey

Tue, 30 Mar 2004

After more than a year without updates, and after being approached many times by Masons saddened by the apparent abandonment of this site, I have decided to give it one more shot. As you can see, there have been some changes. The design of the site has changed, as have the tools I'm using to maintain it. I hope this will mean that things will progress more smoothly in the future.

I plan to spend more time gathering links to news items that have to do with Freemasonry, and to spend more time exploring the subjects in the Fraternity that interest me. Above all, I would like this site to be an interesting and educational experience for all visitors, Mason and non-Mason alike.

When examining this new format, please note that the older entries (everything before this date, anyhow) have screwed up titles. I didn't have time to make my way back through all two years of entries and select a suitable title for each.

Archives by Year
Operative Web-Masons Guild Member
Geo. Washington Past Master Award

Copyright © 2000-2005 by Erik Arneson <dybbuk+journey@lnouv.com>