I came across a touching
editorial from the Couer d'Alene Press which quotes a Masonic
pamphlet while discussing the author's views on religion:
"I've Methodists, Baptists, Scientists and Jews,"Whose friendship is a treasure I wouldn't want to lose.
"So when people talk religion, I just settle back and see every helpful loyal friend each church has given me."
I share this unknown author's philosophy. My wife and I have been members of three different denominations as we have moved around the country over the years. We found comfort in each one.
Strangely, I also came across a BBC article dealing with the murder
of Roberto Calvi, one of the men involved in the P2 Lodge scandal in
Italy. Known as "God's Banker"
because of his associations with the Vatican, there have long been
speculations that his death involved Masonic symbolism. The P2 scandal affected a wide
range of powerful men, including (some speculate) the Prime Minister
of Italy. A quote from the article:
There has been much speculation that the posing of the body and the use of Blackfriars Bridge were masonic symbols.[Carlo Calvi] says: "I don't subscribe to that theory. But I do believe there was a masonic element to his death and I do believe the way he was killed was symbolic."
Sounds fishy to me. Read the article for yourself and form your own opinions, though.
Every Mason on the Internet has undoubtedly heard of the strange accident at Southside Lodge in New York. During a clandestine ritual gone terribly wrong, Bro. William James was accidentally shot in the face and killed. Apparently the ritual was an induction into an unauthorized and irregular "Fellowcraft Club". The Grand Master of New York has issued a statement containing more information. Southside Lodge's charter has been suspended pending an investigation of the incident by the Grand Lodge, and criminal charges have also been filed.
Regular, standard Masonic ritual involves no firearms of any sort, nor is the candidate ever put in a situation described in those articles. My heartfelt condolences and sympathies go out to Bro. James's family.