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Erik's Masonic Journey

Tue, 27 Apr 2004

# Curiosity got the better of me this morning, and I began searching the web for signs of other Freemasons with weblogs. It appears I'm the only one, but as this site is rather difficult to find on search engines, it may be that there are others out there as hidden as this one. I was not surprised to see that many common misconceptions about Freemasonry are as common among the weblog community as they are in "real life". Everything from well-meaning but confused descriptions of our symbols to strange pseudo-spooky ramblings to interest in some of the less pleasing aspects of our history can be found.

The closest thing to a second Masonic weblog is Blazeblog, which seems to be about as active as this log, but has a link to an archive of Freemasonry-related entries which reveal that the author is indeed a member of our Fraternity.

Overall, it seems that most younger webloggers are confused by Freemasonry or oddly ignorant, given the large amount of information available on the web, not to mention the huge number of books available on the subject. So what's up with all that ignorance?

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