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Thu, 13 May 2004

# As a game enthusiast, I have been interested for quite a while in finding various ways to incorporate Freemasonry into games, for both entertainment and educational purposes. One game which has seemed particularly promising is HipBone, a game of "connections between ideas" based on a fictional game from Hermann Hesse's Magister Ludi.

By restricting HipBone to Masonic themes and topics, it seems that one could practice the application of our symbols to various aspects of everyday life. The concept of symbols corresponding to both ideas and events is important in Kabbalah and other traditions, including neo-Platonism.

# In searching for other Masonic games, I was delighted to come across this Masonic board game, offered by MasterMason.biz and MasonicBoardGame.com. The Masonic Memory-Builder Game is based on a game designed by Bro. Samuel Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain), and looks to be easily adaptable to any jurisdiction.

Freemasonry has apparently not had as much of a cultural presence in games as it has in movies and television, but given the number of conspiracy-based games out there, I suppose it's only a matter of time.

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