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Mon, 12 Jul 2004

# My first link of the day isn't related directly to Freemasonry. President Abraham Lincoln was not a Mason, but he was buried multiple times, and multiple burials are a significant part of Masonic allegory. The Attempted Kidnapping of Lincoln is a telling of the posthumous adventures of our 16th president, and is such a bizarre story that I couldn't help but share it with my readers. My attempts to link it with Freemasonry through the multiple burials is a feeble one — I hope you'll forgive me.

# Death and burial are both potent symbols and can have quite an impact on the psyche. That they are used in Masonic ritual is no secret. In fact, the story of Hiram Abiff has been likened to those of Osiris, Mithra, and even Jesus Christ. It leaves a lot of questions unanswered as well, and individual Masons must be left to figure out for themselves if the end of the story symbolizes physical resurrection, spiritual immortality, or something else. W:.B:. Paul Bessel shares an outline for a talk on Hiram Abiff on his website, and I wish I could have been there to see what sort of answers he came up with.

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