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Erik's Masonic Journey

Thu, 10 Mar 2005

# Today is the fifth anniversary of the birth of this weblog. Instead of hunting around for other links on the web, I thought instead I would link to some past entries with notable dates, so we could all reminisce together.

Activity here has been a bit sporadic at times, unfortunately. I took a long break between the last post in 2001 and April of 2004. Since then, I have missed posting about my involvement in a great deal of degree work, my Scottish Rite degrees, and my installation as High Priest of the Royal Arch chapter. It's been a busy time. I've sat in the east precisely twice during blue lodge meetings: once to confer an Entered Apprentice degree, and once during a step-up night when the Master was gone. Next year, I should be Master of the lodge. In just five years, I will have gone from the northeast corner to presiding in the East. Quite a journey!

Thanks to all of my readers for following along. I've got no plans to stop writing about Freemasonry yet, and hope to have lots of great information shared here in the future.

Archives by Year
Operative Web-Masons Guild Member
Geo. Washington Past Master Award

Copyright © 2000-2005 by Erik Arneson <dybbuk+journey@lnouv.com>