The typical lodge officers' line around here operates in a manner that never really
provides any real competition. A brother becomes Master by being appointed Junior
Steward and working his way up, and the elections held for the three principal
officers is really just a formality. However, after reading Laudable Pursuit at Solomon Center, I have decided that even if I
won't have any competition in the November election, I will start
working on some sort of "running platform" so the brethren voting for me
will know what I've got in mind. Here are some of my ideas:
- All stated communications will be opened on the Entered Apprentice degree.
- There will be Masonic education at every meeting.
- Ashland Lodge will continue to take part in the annual table lodge.
- At least twice during the year, Masonic speakers will be brought in from outside the area.
- The lodge picnic in the summer will actually be a picnic!
I also think that perhaps my year in the East should have some sort of motto or theme. The sitting Master and I have been trying to push a program focusing on the seven liberal arts and sciences, and something revolving around that subject would make a good motto. My year is some months off, but as I prepare for it I will continue to post thoughts, ideas, and musings here.
Several upcoming events are worth mentioning. Tonight at 7:00PM there is an Entered
Apprentice degree at Medford Lodge No. 103. I am not sure if I will be able to make
it, but I will still encourage any Masons in the area to attend and show the lodge
their support. Besides, it is always quite impressive when a lot of side-liners are
The first weekend in April is the Grand Sessions of the York Rite for Oregon. It will be held in Coos Bay and I will be there at least for the Grand Chapter meeting representing Siskiyou Chapter No. 21, Royal Arch Masons. I'd love to meet up with any local Masons and chew the fat at a local pub or something.
Finally, near the end of April is the Senior Warden's Charge, which is a special event for the Senior Wardens of all Oregon lodges put on by our Grand Lodge. It's three days of tutorials, classes, and ideas aimed at helping our Wardens become better leaders and preparing them for their years in the East. This event will be up in Forest Grove and, once again, I would love to meet up with some local Masons.