Erik L. Arneson - Curriculum Vitae
- Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Oregon
- Grand Orator, 2016-17
- Esoterika Lodge №227, Grand Lodge AF&AM of Oregon
- Worshipful Master, 2015 and 2016
- Hiram Award recipient, 2019
- Secretary, 2020
- Kenton Lodge №145, Grand Lodge AF&AM of Oregon
- Secretary and Trustee, 2012 & 2014
- Siskiyou Chapter №4 Royal Arch Masons of Oregon
- Past High Priest, 2005, 2007, 2008
- Ashland Lodge №23, Grand Lodge AF&AM of Oregon
- Past Master, 2006
- Research Lodge of Oregon №198
- Organist, 2019 to present
- Founding member of Meridian Chapter №60 Royal Arch Masons of Oregon, a European Concept chapter.
- Lewis & Clark Chapter of the Philalethes Society
- Charter member
- Secretary/Treasurer, 2014 to present
- Member of the Scottish Rite Research Society
- The Mysterious Origins of Diana Vaughan, Fraternal Review, Vol. 63, №4, May 2022.
- Commentary on Benjamin Franklin's Table of Virtues, Fraternal Review, Vol. 62, №5, June 2021.
- A Reading List for New Freemasons, Oregon Masonic News, Vol. XXXV, №10, June 2018.
- A Tale of Two Builders: Phaleg & Hiram Abiff, The Plumbline: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Scottish Rite Research Society, Vol. 23, №2, Summer 2016.
- Editor, Philalethes E-Bulletin, 2014 to 2015.
- A Brief Look at Rob Morris, Philalethes E-Bulletin, Spring 2015.
- A Brief Look at Lee E. Wells, Philalethes E-Bulletin, Fall 2014.
- Creating a Philalethes Chapter, Philalethes E-Bulletin, Spring 2014.
- The Fantastical Worlds of Carl H. Claudy: A Masonic Leader's Adventures in Speculative Fiction, Philalethes, Summer 2012.
- About Alchemy, Philalethes: The Journal of Masonic Research & Letters, Spring 2012.
- Feature Review: Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry: Annotated Edition edited by Arturo de Hoyos, Philalethes, Winter 2012.
- "The Memory Lodge: Practicing the Art of Memory", Ahiman: A Review of Masonic Culture & Tradition, Plumbstone, 2010, Volume I.
Book Reviews
- Rosicrucian Trilogy: Fama Fraternitatis, 1614; Confessio Fraternitatis, 1615; The Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz, 1616 by Joscelyn Godwin, Christopher McIntosh, and Donate Pahnke McIntosh, Philalethes, Vol. 69 №4, 2017.
- A Place in the Lodge: Dr. Rob Morris, Freemasonry and the Order of the Eastern Star by Nancy Stearns Theiss, Philalethes, Fall 2015.
- The Last Alchemist by Iain McCalman, Philalethes E-Bulletin, Winter 2014.
- The Mason’s Words: The History and Evolution of the American Masonic Ritual by Robert Davis, Philalethes, Summer 2013.
- Secret Societies in America edited by William D. Moore and Mark A. Tabbert, Philalethes, Spring 2013.
- The Liverpool Masonic Rebellion and the Wigan Grand Lodge by David Harrison, Philalethes, Winter 2013.
- Opererative Freemasonry: A Manual for Restoring Light and Vitality to the Fraternity by Kirk C. White, Philalethes, Spring 2012.
- A Guide to Masonic Symbolism by Duncan Moore, Philalethes, Fall 2011.
- Here's Looking at Euclid by Alex Bellos, Philalethes, Spring 2011.
- The Royal Arch Journey by Neville Barker Cryer, Philalethes, Winter 2011.
- A Radical in the East, Second Edition by S. Brent Morris, Philalethes, Fall 2010.
- The Better Angels of our Nature by Michael A. Halleran, Philalethes, Summer 2010.
Lectures and Panels

Many of my lectures are delivered more than once. When this is the case, I will list the first time the lecture was delivered, and any particularly significant occasion after that. Unless otherwise noted, all lodges are in Portland, Oregon.
- "The Art of Memory: History and Practice," Esoterika Lodge №227, Spring Equinox 2012.
- "Saint John the Evangelist," Feast of St John the Evangelist at Washington Lodge №46, December 2012.
- "Men of Letters, Men of God," Esoterika Lodge №227, Spring Equinox 2013.
- "The Art of Memory: History and Practice," Lucis Conquisitores in McMinnville, Oregon, July 2013.
- "Hunger is the Best Pickle: Benjamin Franklin the Freemason," Table lodge at Parkrose Lodge №179, October 2014.
- "A Tale of Two Builders: Phaleg and Hiram Abiff," Portland Valley, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, May 2015.
- "The History of Grand Lodges in Freemasonry," Portland Lodge №55, September 2015.
- "Hunger is the Best Pickle: Benjamin Franklin the Freemason," Eugene Lodge №11 in Eugene, Oregon, October 2015.
- "Freemasonry and the Art of Virtue," Friendship Lodge №160, March 2016.
- "Benjamin Franklin: Freemason and Founding Father," Beaverton Lodge №100, George Washington Birthday Celebration, February 2017.
- "Masonic Memory and the Gift of Creation," Friendship Lodge №160, May 2017.
- "Mussar and Freemasonry," Enlightenment Lodge №228, May 2017.
- Panel: Grimoires, Esoterika Lodge №227, Summer Solstice 2017.
- "The Art of Memory: Freemasonry and the Magical Memory," Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference, October 2017.
- "The Illuminati and German Society," Tigard-Orenoma Lodge №207, Fourth Annual German Festive Board, October 2017.
- "Cryptanalysis and Decoding the Mysteries", Research Lodge of Oregon №198, January 2019.
- "The Art of Memory: Freemasonry and the Magical Memory," Evening of Enlightenment at Verity Lodge №59 in Kent, Washington, April 2019.
- "The Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: The Most Beautiful Book of Venice," presented online to Research Lodge of Oregon №198, April 2020.
A workshop is not strictly a lecture. It's a collaborative group activity where one person helps a group develop new skills. Since one of my goals is to spread Masonic light by encouraging other Freemasons to take a closer look at our Craft, I have begun developing and leading workshops in the Portland area.
- Geometry Lecture Workshop, Tuality Lodge №6, June 2017.
- Erik's Masonic Journey, 2000-2005
-, 2010-present
- The Oblong Square, 2012-present
The following are non-Masonic credentials that I am happy to possess.
Lectures and Classes
- History of Cryptography, 4-week class at Portland Underground Grad School, May 2015.
- History of the NSA, Portland Summer of Science, July 2015.
- History of Secret Societies, 4-week class at Portland Underground Grad School, August 2015.
- Computers and the Dawn of Modern Cryptography, OMSI Science on Screen: The Imitation Game, March 2017.
- Secret Societies in Fiction, Driftwood Public Library, March 2017.
- How Computers Changed Cryptography, Driftwood Public Library, March 2017.
- The Magical Memory, Sekhet-Maat Lodge OTO, June 2017.
- Introduction to Sigil Magic, INVOKE, September 2019.
- Anemnesis, Pansophia, and Memory, Texts and Traditions Colloquium, September 2019.
- My Alchemical Bromance, Co-Host, 2017-2019.
- Arnemancy Podcast, 2019-present.
- Minister of the Universal Life Church since 1996
- Over 20 weddings performed
- Various articles in Southern Oregon Magazine, Spring and Summer 2010
- "Nine Card Radiant Spread" in A Small Collection of Specialized Spreads, Vol. 1, edited by Coleman Stevenson, 2020
- Society for the Promotion of Rational Esotericism, editor and contributor
- Leisure Nouveau, 2008-11
- The Local Dish, contributing writer
- Arnemancy, 2014-present
- Arnesonium, 2014-present
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